Well, Peter James is now 2 1/2 months old. He smiles and smiles at us, and is known as the baby with the "perfect head." Since he was born, people have been commenting on his perfect cylindrical head. It was the second thing I noticed about him after he was born, and people at church, restraunts, grocery stores, and all over seem to notice too. I've never seen anything like it myself.
Kaylee is becoming more rotten by the day, but we love her more every day too. She's entering the tantrum stage, and has decided she no longer likes to sleep. She is a loving big sister though, and hugs and kisses her little brother frequently. She has discovered that fun pool of water we call a toilet, and loves to throw toys in it, and just slosh around in it till mommy comes in and ends all the fun. She has been scolded heavily and told emphatically what a "NO NO" it is, but alas the behavior continues. Last week my mom found Kaylee in the bathroom with a very wet shirt wagging her finger at the toilet, shouting, "NO NO!!, No No!!" Mom just stared, not knowing what to do because Kaylee was already doing the scolding for her! Some days I wonder if she'll catch on that I have no clue how to do this parenting thing, and I'm just making it up as I go along. Sometimes she seems to know.
Kaylee is very expressive, and has lots of grown up faces. She perfectly mimics us. We find it irresistible, more so than anyone else I think. But on Easter Sunday, Peter copied Kevin by sticking his lip out again and again, and then grinned to see Kevin laugh and laugh. We're so happy to have two little monkeys!!
Well, that's all for now!!
Love, Ginny