Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Spring Cleaning

Today is spring cleaning day.  Yes, I know it's summer. There is something refreshing and liberating about cleaning under, behind, around, and over things.  I'm feeling better about my life already.

As I do this, I am inclined to think also of my life.  How clean am I?  Have I dusted the corners and tops of things, searched for old cobwebs, pulled out furniture and shaken out the couch of my mind lately?  Have I cleaned under, over, around, and behind the parts of my life that seem to be constant and unchanging?  It is those things that are the most likely to hide problem areas.  Before you know it, if you don't consistently check, you have attracted unwanted pests, fungus, and disease into your life.  So today I'm performing a ritual found in both animal and human kingdoms, the act of clearing out and cleaning corners, and making things seem new. 

My house is not the only thing that could use refreshing.  My faith, my hope, my Love for Christ, all could use renewal.  It's time to rejoice in my Savior again--to feel again great joy and gratitude for his mercy and grace!  Praise my God as if I had just been baptized yesterday!  

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